I've been looking for almond coffee syrup in stores near me for a while and cannot find it. Many have sugar free almond coffee syrup, but I've tried a few different brands and they all taste terrible. The sugar free vanilla and sugar free caramel taste fine, so I don't really understand why the sugar free almond is terrible, but it is. I've looked online and one can certainly order regular almond syrup from many different places, but shipping is just as much or more than the cost of the syrup. So, I decided I'd try making my own. I couldn't find a recipe so I just made simple syrup and added almond extract a little at a time until it tasted strong enough to flavor my iced coffee. I'm so glad I did this! It's fast, easy and cheap. I'll be making my own vanilla syrup from now on, too. I think the vanilla syrup may take a bit more than 1 tsp vanilla. I'll post an exact recipe once I make it.
Almond Coffee Syrup
2 c sugar
1 c water
1 tsp almond extract
Heat sugar and water on medium until liquid is clear (3-5 minutes). Do not boil. Remove from heat and stir in almond extract. Allow to cool. Pour into a bottle using a funnel. Store in refrigerator.
After a few iced almond lattes, I decided that it wasn't almondy enough. So I upped the almond to 2 tsp and I think it's perfect. It's quite almondy, so you don't have to add so much syrup to your latte. You get a good almond flavor without it being sickeningly sweet.
Almond Coffee Syrup - UPDATED
2 c sugar
1 c water
2 tsp almond extract
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